May we be cognizant of the Blessings that surround us and give thanks for all that we have and all that we are to be given, insha’Allah. I pray we are given the means to give to those in need and that we recognize our responsibility to all of creation. Although it is often overlooked, it is through creation that we learn the miracles of the creator. To neglect or destroy it for financial gain and material wealth is to disavow God, the Creator and Sustainer of everything.

We have been enjoying the Blessings of the winter season this year snow shoeing and cross country skiing. After being away from the snow for virtually seven years, I have cherished this season. I never fail to be amazed at the beauty of creation and all it has to offer, from the countless flakes of ice that blanket the mountain tops, shimmering in the sun, or the painted skies which call us to remembrance at sunrise and sunset- nothing by our own hands is so constant or miraculous. Will we not then reflect?